Saline or Silicone Breast Implants? Know the Options for Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation surgery is one of the most popular procedures in the cosmetic industry. However, with  different breast implants to choose from, it can be difficult to determine which is the best option. Both silicone and saline implants have their respective advantages. It is therefore important that patients, with the assistance of their surgeon, choose the right one to achieve their aesthetic goals.  

The breast enlargement procedure can be a life changing experience if a patient seeks to restore the volume or needs reconstructive help. One of the main reasons patients choose Silicone Breast Implants in the UK is because they are known for their natural look and feel. These implants are available for women 18 years of age and above. Another benefit of cohesive silicone implants is that in case it ruptures, it may not be noticeable, since the shape and size of the breast will not change. But they would still need to be removed or replaced should that occur.

On the other hand, saline implants are a popular temporary choice for some reconstructive breast surgery. These implants are approved for use in women 18 years of age or above. The rupture of saline implant will result in immediate deflation and asymmetry and can be corrected with replacement. Moreover, when deciding which type of implant is right for you, the surgeon will consider several factors such as the result desired, age, body type, weight, height, breast size, amount of breast tissue, and others.

Additionally, both types of implants come in a variety of looks, widths, and textures. The decision between saline or Silicone Breast Implants in the UK is a personal preference although in general over 96% or women in the UK have the silicone variety. The first step in making the choice is scheduling a consultation and evaluation with a Royal College of Surgeons certified consultant breast surgeon in the UK. They should be on the GMC register, and a full member of the ABS, Association of Breast Surgery, and a consultant breast surgeon practicing in the UK. Whether a patient chooses saline or silicone, it is not a lifetime guarantee. The implant will likely require replacement, usually within eight to ten years, or check-ups to evaluate integrity. With the latter, Mr Turton advises clinical review and silicone sequence non-contrast MRI.


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